
Wednesday 3 November 2010

Little Ringed Plover's chick

I rescued this little chick as he fell trapped through a hole between the rocks, although he seemed to be a bit weak he was able to run toward his mother who immediately took him under her wings. I was positive and hopeful since he didn't look too bad. I'm not sure how long he spent under those rocks in the sunshine without water. Unfortunately, the day after there were two chicks instead of three running about. As we all know, that's nature.


  1. That is a beautiful piece of art.

  2. Hello Mateo, I like your drawings very much .
    Do you work in the field?
    Looking forward to your new posts. I added you to my list of blogs.
    Regards, Fran

  3. Thank you Bob! Hello Fran, thanks for adding me! Yes I do work in the field, plus studio, my drawings are always derived from a direct personal and as intimate as possible experience of the subjec. I am fond of your style and I especially love your drawings and sculptures.

  4. Hola Mateo, me ha recomendado tu blog mi amigo Fran Alvarado y me ha encantado tu estilo desenfadado. Espero que entiendas el español porque escribir en inglés no se me da nada bien. Seguiré de cerca a partir de ahora tu trabajo. Un saludo desde España!

  5. Nice to meet you Jose! I think it's alright for me to read spanish...not too difficult!


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