
Sunday 15 November 2015

Purple Swamphen

Purple Swamphen Porphyrio porphyrio, watercolour and gouache on toned board, 29 x 25 cm,  © Matteo Grilli 2015

The following original watercolours have been recently added to my online gallery:

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Study of an Eastern Sedgefrog

Eastern Sedgefrog Litoria fallax, watercolour and gouache on toned board, 18 x 26 cm,  © Matteo Grilli 2015

I was visiting the Rainforest Botanic Gardens in Lismore and came across lots of these beautiful little creatures hiding among the water vegetation. Apparently Eastern Sedgefrogs hide in banana trees and become lost in fruit shops and supermarkets once the bananas are shipped across Australia.

Saturday 15 August 2015

Eastern Grey Kangaroos at Grampians National Park

Eastern Grey Kangaroos at Grampians National Park.
Watercolour pencils on paper, 40 x 30 cm,  © Matteo Grilli 2015 

 For this artwork I made the exception of using watercolour pencils, a medium I haven't been using often recently. I enjoyed very much to see how the colours change with the lightest touch of a moist brush, it almost felt like a new work was magically developing quickly right under my hands.

I saw a large mob of Eastern grey Kangaroos while visiting the Grampians National Park in western Victoria, here they are represented in the beautiful valley around Hall's Gap which is surrounded by very wild, rugged and beautiful mountains as well as heaps of wildlife including Kangaroos, Emus, Ekidnas and many species of birds including the Powerful Owl.

This original artwork is now for sale on my online shop which will be having a break from October 4th until November 1st, I will be enjoying new adventures with a long-awaited visitor from overseas... so, in case someone wants to avoid the November Christmas rush for art presents, I would suggest to order your gifts in September.

 Bush Heritage Australia is launching a campaign to raise funds to purchase and protect land to studying and conserving the endangered and recently re-discovered Night Parrot, thought to be extinct until two years ago. To find out more, please follow this link and if you wish, make a donation to support the project.

All the best,


Wednesday 15 July 2015

Lace Monitor

Lace Monitor, watercolour on paper, 30 x 30 cm,  © Matteo Grilli 2015
I was visiting North Stradbroke Island and enjoying the beautiful shore of the Brown Lake when I heard something scratching on a tree, this 2m-long Lace Monitor was climbing a gum tree not far from the lake shore. Now, this Lace Monitor watercolour has been published as a greeting card by Nuovo Group.
The Coastal Artisans gallery in Peregian Beach is now stocking my Giclee prints as well as some original framed works, if you find yourself around the Sunshine Coast area, the Coastal Artisans gallery, the Baked Poetry Cafe and the beautiful beach are certainly worth a visit.

Friday 15 May 2015

Red-browed Finch - An Insight

Red-browed Finch, watercolour on paper, 21 x 27 cm, © Matteo Grilli

I decided to start this portrait of this little gem of the Australian bush from the brightest of all its colours, red. I mixed a warmish red from Transparent Yellow and Permanent Carmine adjusting the temperature using just those two colours and applying them on the beak, lore and eye-stripe and upper-tail coverts. The darkest parts of the beak and the eye were painted with a mix of Prussian Blue and Madder Red Deep. The subtle greys of the head, breast, belly and flanks were achieved with a mix of Ultramarine and Burnt umber. For the back of the neck, mantle and wing I started with an under-was of Transparent Yellow and Ultramarine blue, building up layer upon layer and slightly changing the hues darkening with Madder Red Deep and the blues. The delicate tints of the legs are light mixes of Permanent Carmine and Raw Sienna for the pinky parts and Ultramarine Blue with Burnt Umber for the shadow areas. The final darkest details are mixes of Prussian Blue with Madder Red Deep. This Red-browed Finch is available as a greeting card published by Nuovo Group.

Sunday 15 March 2015

Masked Lapwings

Masked Lapwings, watercolour on paper, 21.5 x 39 cm, © Matteo Grilli 2014

 A detail from this watercolour, is available as a greeting card.

I recently joined Pinterest, there, I've started sharing my artwork as well as some images of favourite art and other things collected from around the web and my own photo collections, it's been fun so far and I'm looking forward to connect with those of you who are there too.

 I would like to remember my grandmother Novella Torregiani Grilli (1935-2015) with one of her many and multi awarded poems (English translation follows):


Canta uomo
finche' alito empie la voce:
dal cuore all'azzurro
eleva il tuo poema.
Canta il pensiero che supera l'immenso
prima che giunga


Sing man
until breath fills the voice:
from the heart to the blue
lift up your poem.
Sing the thought that goes beyond the immense
before silence arrives.

More of her poems (Italian only) here.

Sunday 15 February 2015

Chestnut-breatsed Mannikin

Chestnut-breasted Mannikin, watercolour on paper, 25 x 27 cm, © Matteo Grilli 2014

This watercolour, together with all my latest works from 2014 and older, features a new range of greeting cards just published by Nuovo Group.

Friday 23 January 2015

Young Red Kangaroo

This image is available as a greeting card

Work in progress...

First sketch